domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010


Blade Runner (1982) movie script
by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples.
Based on the story "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick.
Final script. February 23, 1981.
Transcript by Brian Silverman.

[Deckard hits Roy with pipe.]

Roy: That hurt. That was irrational. Not to mention, unsportsman like.
Ha ha ha. Where are you going?

[Deckard does some amazing climbing, then jumps to next building. Roy
follows, after tossing a bird.]

Roy: Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is
to be a slave.

[Deckard falls, Roy catches him.]

Roy: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on
fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the
darkness at Tan Hauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time
like tears in rain. Time to die.

Flying to New Port

John was suffering from a very strong headache he does not knows the causes. He was considering calling a doctor for months but he was afraid of discovering he was very sick. Sick enough to die. He was so tense that he was putting so much pressure on his teeth while sleeping that he couldn’t eat any solid food anymore. He was becoming thin and thin, loosing the power of his muscles, loosing the sanity of his thoughts. One of this mornings John woke up slowly. He walked until his old wardrobe. Opened it. He founded a big wooden box he used to store his belongs inside since he was a teenager, during second world war times when the church near his parents home was bombarded. John opened it. He walked until his house`s front door. Went to the street and leaved the box on the ground. It was raining as usual in New Plymouth during this time of the year. John was crying. He was tired. He stayed static as a marble`s statue for one hour; for two hours; for three days… until the neighbourhood children come and stolen all John`s belong from the wooden box and went out laughing and running. One of them was using John`s yellow helmet. Another one tried to listening a cassette he found inside the box using his uncle 80`s Walkman. The mother of one of the children found John`s business card on the table. John: The Van Man. She called his untie who was about to rent a van and suggested him to call John. Maybe John has a best price? Who knows? John was found inside his house yesterday morning lying on his living room`s floor. His mobile phone was ringing. The ambulance got him to the hospital. Now, he is being transferred to a bigger hospital in the city of New Port. He is not awake anymore. All those moments are about be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.

New Plymouth // New Port

"In a way this film is about information and the way it is transferred and the way in which it is manipulated, stunted, taken away and implanted again. Information is an extremely powerful weapon and the way in which it is deployed in this film suggests that in the future information itself will be at the centre of the way in which the world works rather than the capitalist greed on which current society is delicately perched on. Information can transcend all boundaries because it is what defines us and as such is the key element in making Newport City the way it is already." (reference)

Newport city: Newport is a c onstructed Island, built off the Shinhama ward of the Tokushima Prefecture. Newport City became a major city for trade, international relations and foreign affairs. The city was built in the early part of the millennium when issues of space started arising. There was generally not much of an urban metropolis in the Tokushima area before the port was opened in the 1990s. The area prospered, and its residents grew exponentially. In the early 2000s work began on the floating metropolis that is now known as Newport City. The city has become one of the thriving new metropolises of the new millennium. Although New Tokyo and Osaka are still very important cities in Japan, Newport City has become the significant international city. Major international corporations have their headquarters here, and many political conferences are now held here instead of in New Tokyo. As for the city's geography itself, it is built in an almost fortress-like fashion. The biggest corporate towers loom ominously in the center of the floating section, while thousands of smaller buildings surround them. An inner waterway surrounds the middle section. This waterway branches off into smaller canals that wind around parts of the city. The second ring is made of up large shipping piers (which are equipped to handle the largest sectional cargo ships) and warehouses. The rest of Shinhama, which is on land, is known as "Old Town." The northern areas of Tokushima are more spread out, and it is here where you find large estates and traditional pagoda style architecture.There are many mega-highways that lead to the floating section; unfortunately, once you are on the island it is nothing more than a hindrance to drive a car. Newport City is very dense and heavily populated, so the best ways to get around are by the elevated train system, the electric busses or by boat (provided you are going somewhere on the canal).