quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

Nano-Magnetic Laboratory

Univerity of Plymouth
at the Nano-Magnetic Laboratory
Faculty of Technology
20 July 2010

Four intrepid scientist "The Van Taskforce" were called in to solve the mystery of the Van Man's dematerialisation in a nowhere sky. They went to the infamous Nano-Magnetic Laboratory of the University of Plymouth's Faculty of Technology to scan the evidences found using a Pacific Nanothecnology's Atomic Force Microscope...

computer screen showing the scan of the sample of a cassete's tape by a Pacific Nanothecnology's Atomic Force Microscope

the Scientists & the evidences// Simon Lock & Clarissa Ribeiro

preparing the samples to be scanned...

the cassete's tape sample inside the Atomic Force Microscope:

the scan of the cassete's tape sample:

the possible cassete:

the scan of a sample of the yellow helmet we found:

Was it a Coke Drinking Helmet?

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