1) a yellow helmet
2) a couple of flower
3) tape one end under the wheel of a red car
4) a business card that was near tape on the ground
5) a takeway coffeecup from Mc Donalds
6) the picture of an advertisment: John won a price

Isobel foud John at e-bay:
We are planning to mix our cells with john cells; everythink from nothing; moving hands in the microscope;

This is how Simon remembers the story:
After buying lunch from M&S and collecting coffee samples from Whittards
we saw in the road a yellow plastic workman´s helmet, but where was the workman ?
We decided that he MUST be called John (what else ?)
We didn´t think about John much during lunch - he didn´t seem important
We talked about other things to scan
But then John came back into our minds and how nice his hair must have been,
what with all the modern hair science in use these days.
We found a flower to give to him, we found a tape (cassette) that was his
we found his business card (he has a Van !)
we found a coffee cup that he had used and a cigarette that might have been his ?
We were really getting a picture of John.
I hope the ambulance get´s him to hospital in time
This is how Isobel remembers the story:
The team headed to the centre of the city, first picking up food from M&S and exploring coffee beans at Whitards.
Following this a construction helmet was found, alone. Clarissa deemed it to be John. The team continues. Following consumption flowers were collected, old and new for his remains. Next in close success a tape parcialy run over by a car that John was listening to when he was hit by the car and left, and his buisness card ´´John the vanman 199´´. A few steps on the team collected the coffee cup he had been drinking from McDonalds as it was discussed how he may have smoked and left evidence within the cup. Finaly it was found and documented that he won a supermarket award and has an ebay account selling his shoes.
This is how Clarissa remembers the story:
We were about going to have lunch at the new coffee shop that is close to the sports complex (me, Isobel, Simon and Luke); but me and Isobel, we were thinking about going out of the campus to free our minds (we were at the Dome before this; immersive traveling-through 3D images: inside a fly's brain; the unknown universe's butterfly model...). We went to Marks & Spencer. I bough sushi and an apple juice with flower's flavor, Luke and Simon bough sandwiches; We went to the Hoe; We stoped to ask for coffe beans to scan in a store; we tryied tea for free; I found a yellow helmet on the ground close to the Royal Parade. We wlaked until the hoe; we had a seat near a tree, and started talking about our 'scan secret plans'; the idea was to scan nothing (NT); moving hands in front of the microscope; but there was the helmet; the yellow helmet; I was talking with the helmet: - Johnnnn!!!! We can mix John's cells with our cells! A mountain of cell to climb in a 3D simulation/visualisation; Johnnnn! We started to construct John's nano tale in our walking back to the laboratory. We collected flowers; we found a tape and a bussiness card of 'John and discovered he was the van-man'; a takeway coffee cup from Mc Donalds. We have John's e-mail now; John is at e-bay.pl; Now the yellow helmet belong to John the van-man, who is quoted in this website here: Tradesman
This is how Luke remembers the story:
After the mind expanding demos at the IVT, the teams mission began to feed our hungry bellies. We soon decided to munch down on some M&S treats, but we felt the need for a nicer enviroment to actually eat in so we headed towards plymouth hoe. On the way we kept our minds and ideas open to possible narratives and objects to scan in the atomic electronic microscope. First stop was to pick up some blue mountain coffee beans for a great cuppa, and possible scan item. Then while walking down royal parade, a yellow builders helmet was left alone on the floor, which was collected and was the basis for our narrative of the lost victim ¨John¨, Once we finished our lunch and continued back towards university we started to find odd and ends that we beleived to also belonged to John, these included a high lilly rich in pollen and colour, which was used to pay respects to the lost man. A business card. A broken cassette tape reel which was stuck under a car, which was the last thing listened to by john and a coffee cup which was his last drink. these objects make up a narrative that build a picture of johns last moments in this world. They also repesent his senses that he used, cup - taste, hat - touch, flower - smell, business card - sight, tape - sound. John will now live on forever.
* A new first-person-shooter template for character games is included in the physics test files
QR code generator
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